پربازدیدترینپرفروشترینجدیدترینگرانترینارزانترین 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Elsevier Lookingbill and Marks' Principles of Dermatology (2018) 813,000 ٪18 666,660تومان Springer Textbook of Aging Skin 2 volume (2016) 5,533,000 ٪20 4,426,400تومان CRC Press Textbook of Cosmetic Dermatology (2017) 1,656,000 ٪14 1,424,160تومان Elsevier The Travel and Tropical Medicine Manual (2016) 1,789,000 ٪19 1,449,090تومان CRC Press Pediatric Nail Disorders (2016) 788,000 ٪16 661,920تومان CRC Press Handbook of Venous and Lymphatic Disorders 5th Edition (2024) 2,286,000 ٪16 1,920,240تومان Elsevier Diagnosis and Treatment of Mitral Valve Disease: A Multidisciplinary Approach (2022) 891,000 ٪18 730,620تومان Saunders Cardiac Surgery (2012) 1,773,000 ٪18 1,453,860تومان Thieme Medical The Frontal Sinus: Surgical Approaches and Controversies (2022) 961,000 ٪20 768,800تومان McGraw-Hill Education Current Diagnosis & Treatment Cardiology (2023) 1,808,000 ٪18 1,482,560تومان Elsevier Kaplan’s Essentials of Cardiac Anesthesia 1st Edition (2018) 1,455,000 ٪14 1,251,300تومان Elsevier Kaplan’s Essentials of Cardiac Anesthesia 2nd Edition (2017) 2,351,000 ٪21 1,857,290تومان Academic Press Cardiovascular Pathology 5th Edition (2022) 2,599,000 ٪16 2,183,160تومان Springer Operative Mitral and Tricuspid Valve Surgery (2019) 572,000 ٪12 503,360تومان Springer Atlas of Robotic Thoracic Surgery (2019) 923,000 ٪16 775,320تومان Springer Congenital Heart Disease in Pediatric and Adult Patients (2017) 2,708,000 ٪16 2,274,720تومان Elsevier Goldberger's Clinical Electrocardiography (2023) 816,000 ٪14 701,760تومان CRC Press Inc Cardiovascular Catheterization and Intervention (2017) 2,365,000 ٪14 2,033,900تومان McGraw Hill / Medical Fishman's Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders, 2-Volume Set (2022) 6,205,000 ٪12 5,460,400تومان Elsevier Rutherford’s Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy (2022) 7,111,000 ٪12 6,257,680تومان LWW Clinical Scenarios in Vascular Surgery (2015) 1,810,000 ٪14 1,556,600تومان Elsevier Braunwald’s Heart Disease (2021) 5,025,000 ٪12 4,422,000تومان Elsevier Echo Made Easy (2016) 769,000 ٪14 661,340تومان American Academy of Pediatrics Managing Infectious Diseases in Child Care and Schools (2019) 660,000 ٪14 567,600تومان 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8