پربازدیدترینپرفروشترینجدیدترینگرانترینارزانترین 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Thieme Medical The Business of Plastic Surgery (2019) 1,713,000 ٪16 1,438,920تومان Saunders Nails: Diagnosis, Therapy, Surgery (2005) 891,000 ٪18 730,620تومان Springer Scher and Daniel's Nails: Diagnosis, Surgery, Therapy (2018) 1,878,000 ٪20 1,502,400تومان Wiley-Blackwell Vitiligo: Medical and Surgical Management (2018) 1,467,000 ٪16 1,232,280تومان McGraw Hill / Medical Taylor and Kelly's Dermatology for Skin of Color (2016) 2,146,000 ٪20 1,716,800تومان Elsevier McKee's Pathology of the Skin, 2-Volume Set (2019) 4,859,000 ٪20 3,887,200تومان McGraw-Hill Inc.,US Fitzpatrick's Dermatology, Ninth Edition, 2-Volume Set (2019) 9,572,000 ٪20 7,657,600تومان McGraw-Hill Professional Procedural Dermatology (2015) 1,903,000 ٪14 1,636,580تومان Springer Injections in Aesthetic Medicine: Atlas of Full-face and Full-body Treatment (2016) 558,000 ٪14 479,880تومان Wiley-Blackwell Onychomycosis: Diagnosis and Effective Management (2018) 545,000 ٪15 463,250تومان Elsevier Andrews' Diseases of the Skin: Clinical Dermatology (2019) 2,554,000 ٪12 2,247,520تومان CRC Press Textbook of Chemical Peels, Second Edition (2016) 1,175,000 ٪18 963,500تومان Wiley-Blackwell Shimizu's Dermatology (2017) 1,761,000 ٪20 1,408,800تومان Elsevier Weedon's Skin Pathology Essentials (2023) 2,087,000 ٪16 1,753,080تومان Wiley-Blackwell Baran and Dawber's Diseases of the Nails and their Management (2019) 2,524,000 ٪20 2,019,200تومان Taylor & Francis Ltd Antioxidants and the Skin (2018) 510,000 ٪14 438,600تومان LWW Lever's Histopathology of the Skin 2 volume (2014) 3,842,000 ٪20 3,073,600تومان Routledge Phototherapy Treatment Protocols (2016) 393,000 ٪16 330,120تومان Thieme Medical Fat Injection: From Filling to Regeneration (2017) 2,726,000 ٪15 2,317,100تومان Mauro Romero Leal Passos Atlas of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (2018) 1,016,000 ٪14 873,760تومان McGraw-Hill Medical Color Atlas of Cosmetic Dermatology (2011) 600,000 ٪14 516,000تومان Elsevier Weedon's Skin Pathology (2020) 3,319,000 ٪18 2,721,580تومان Elsevier Total Burn Care: Expert Consult (2017) 2,134,000 ٪12 1,877,920تومان Elsevier Treatment of Skin Disease: Comprehensive Therapeutic Strategies (2021) 2,489,000 ٪12 2,190,320تومان 1 2 3 4 5 6 7